Saturday, August 19, 2006

Tantra-Open-Talk on the KZN south coast

The last couple of weeks have been wonderful, spent decorating the massage studio and getting ready to begin the work. And the first massage has been given! What a beautiful, deeply moving experience. The honor of touching the other in a tantric way is actually quite indescribable, partly because each guest is unique in body and expression and the massage touches this uniqueness – my experience therefore differs each time I massage. It is deeply moving to embrace this uniqueness in which there is no "norm". Although I am giving the massage, my experience is of receiving. The intimacy of touching the body and heart of another, being totally present in the moment, each moment, is the deepest kind of intimacy I know. It is the willingness to be led by the guest’s uniqueness, every step of the massage that gives such gratification. In this I feel the true sense of humbleness - humbleness towards the beauty, creativity and vastness of Existence.

Very exciting was also the first Tantra-Open-Talk in KZN, held last night on the south coast. It was a small group of people from 27 to 65 years young. The evening was very relaxed - we drank home brewed chi tea, chatted, Tantra-talked and enjoyed a light meal, listened to a bit of Ecstasy, a beautiful Margot Anand music CD.

We spoke about the origin of Tantra, how in Hinduism, Buddhism as well as Christianity there has been a tradition of Tantra. In Christianity it has died out altogether - except for the celibacy aspect of Catholic priests and in the other spiritual traditions it always was a secret practice and usually caused quite a stir. Tantra is revolutionary! It must stir, because it goes against the grain of what is usual practice, no matter what culture or religion. His information was very detailed and yet broad at the same time. Also part of the talk was about how Tantra coming to the west, is largely due to Osho's teachings about the old sacred texts. The first half of the talk concentrated on meditation practice, paths to enlightenment and how Tantra is such a path and other questions around the subject of spirituality and the seeker's striving to Awake. It was rewarding and very informative experience.

I was surprised, would have thought that the interest of participants would have been more about sexual issues and sexuality in general. This did come in the second half of the talk, after a question about how to get non-ejaculatory, multi-orgasms as a man. We were given a history of the sexual development from boy to man and made it very clear how it comes about that men have a rushed attitude about sex: the usual masturbatory practices causing the lingam (penis) to become numbed and only able to "feel" if heavily thrusted. Tantra offers techniques to get the sensitivity back into the lingam. Of course the females in the group were not left in the cold. Part of the talk was also about how the anatomies of the lingam and yoni have exactly the same features and how the functions correspond.

We giggled a bit, laughed a lot and everyone seemed to enjoy the event. It was such a great evening and we are looking forward to the next one!

Ma Anand Leandra

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